Advent of Code 2023

The Advent of Code is an annual programming competition that takes place in the run-up to Christmas (between 1st December and 25th Decemeber), run by Eric Wastl. The challenges start off pretty easy (do-able by anyone who knows the basics of any programming langauge) but scale up in difficulty quickly. There is a leaderboard for the quickest time to solve problems globally (which has some insanely fast times), but I think the most fun is had as part of a private leaderboard between your friends. Unfortunately for those based in Europe, the problems are released at 5am UTC every day.

I took part last year and got up to Day 22 before I had to give up. I decided to stop the first time I didn’t/couldn’t solve a problem on the day that it was released. Here are my times on the days that I woke up at 5am to do the problem:

      --------Part 1--------   --------Part 2--------
Day       Time   Rank  Score       Time   Rank  Score
 22   01:06:29   1519      0   01:22:55   1322      0  [Started 15m late]
 20   00:46:17    812      0   01:21:40    821      0
 19   00:15:45    387      0   01:04:15   1065      0
 18   00:42:51   2437      0   01:54:40   2434      0
 17   00:47:14   1200      0   01:19:54   1474      0
 16   00:27:13   1319      0   00:36:17   1382      0
 11   00:15:43   1313      0   00:38:29   3126      0
 10   00:16:16    324      0   00:48:15    319      0
  4   00:05:35    948      0   00:10:04    361      0
  1   00:03:34   1047      0   00:12:44    702      0

Also if you’re interested to see my solutions to the problems, then they’re available here on GitHub. I found that a lot of time could be saved by pre-coding simple functions to do most of the pre-processing for me. That’s probably what I’ll work on before this year’s set of problems. I encourage everyone who knows how to code to take part this year (in circa 10 months)!

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My email address is If you have any questions or are looking for advice, feel free to get in touch. If you want to make any requests or additions to this website, feel free to make a pull request on this website's GitHub.


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